We Are Winning
The Techno-Fascist Imperium is riding a bike with no handlebars into World War 3 and only an insurrection can stop it.
I don't come naturally to the detached cynicism coloring every observation I make about the bullshit meta-world that exists in the electronic/digital simulacrum created by clandestine intelligence agencies staring diabolical frauds who execute 5G warfare psyops on the gullible rabble. By birth and training I was brought into this world an honorable optimist who looked for the best in all people and trusted our societies collective judgement which included the assumed wisdom of long standing traditions. My life was good and I wanted others to enjoy the blessings of liberty that our constitutional republic espoused and our civic institutions guaranteed using tools of military might, law, religion, education and the most massively consequential propaganda machine ever devised by man. I guess my first taste of treasonous betrayal were the salty tears that fell from my eyes when Richard Nixon gave his resignation speech after a bloodless coup that even my adolescent self knew was the culmination of a disgraceful CIA conspiracy. From that 1973 day to this one my contempt of our Deep State rulers has stiffened with every financial crisis, terror attack and manufactured social fad which inevitably results in a diminished standard of living, free-floating communal fear and ubiquitous moral degeneracy. I call it 50 Years of Failure and, in great measure, the friction of my venerable authentic self slogging through this swamp of synthetic "reality" is what fuels the KOTCB blog.
A near perfect symbolic representation of this Clown World concoction occurred when in-bread Hamas retards attacked the "Supernova Sukkot Gathering" on Oct. 7th at the crack of dawn catching Israeli celebrants unaware and hopped up after an all night rave.
It was 6:40 in the morning and Artifex, whose visual trademark is shaving his head on each side, was in the middle of his set. The music was so loud that at least some in the crowd had no idea mortars and rockets were hammering in the distance. “At this moment, there was also music, so we couldn’t hear any sirens. I noticed there was a big boom, and I looked up in the sky and saw the missiles and the bombs.”
Hey, I've been there - not with the bombs and crazed Palestinians but I've been to my share of music festivals and greeted the morning sunrise with dilated eyes and a fuzzy brain. I know the hipster party people who fly around the world searching for musical escapism and free-spirited adventure in a desert Kibbutz 3 miles outside the walls of an open air prison filled with 2 million zombified inmates. What, me worry? The Israeli Defense Force has all of Gaza sealed off and they monitor the situation, as they say, with an eagle eye to protect the Peace & Love residents of the Southern District. So I can empathize with the beautiful, fun loving, platitude espousing youths who saw the rocket's red glare and AK-47 wielding paragliders in the morning sky and their ensuing terror fills my heart with dread.
You read that right. I did say paragliders and this element of the 10/7 attack fired my imagination with a T. Coraghessan Boyle + Hieronymus Bosch + Fuada scene of incomprehensible sincere horror. I live 6,000 miles west of the Gaza Strip in a rural area devoid of synagogues and mosques and have about as much emotional investment in this conflict as other land disputes in Kosovo, Ukraine, Kashmir or the Kuril Islands which is near zero. The Fortnite aspect of heavily armed militants murdering, raping and kidnapping decadent 1st World libertines with a techno soundtrack laid down by some devil worshiping hedonist DJ is sardonically fascinating. I pity the farmers, children and based IDF soldiers who were targeted and eliminated in this long planned and brutally executed false flag attack but I'm not going to get dragged into semitic hell by ZOG and their Persian nemesis.
I do have a dog in this fight and, despite my mixed sympathies for the natives, occupiers, terrorists and settlers, that dog is the USofA for the following reasons:
While most Palestinian spokespeople, college professors and artists are presentable outliers a more authentic and honest representative of these beleaguered and ostracized people is Rashida Tlaib.
As the KOTCB has pointed out in a post titled The Cream of Islam, the Grand Mufti of "Palestine", Haj Amin al-Husseini, placed a big fat bet on the losing side in WW2 and, well, payback's a bitch.
It is perfectly obvious, despite decades of gaslighting about Israeli independence and self-defense, that the Zionist Entity can't wipe its own ass without Uncle Sam's okay.
The Techno-Fascist Imperium owns this quaint Mediterranean colony and we're responsible for every Christian, Jew and Muslim living in our 51st state which plays a critical role as money washing trading partner and armaments conduit. The orchestrated and unresolvable conflict between Israelis and Palestinians destabilizes the entire region and compels surrounding ME nations to buy US weapons and bribe DC politicians. The luxuries of the modern world like electric cars, frozen pizza and digerati raves in the desert are built upon many layers of anthropoid subjugation and debasement. For the past 400 years it has been nearly impossible for these beleaguered primates to strike back at their "civilized" oppressors because of tribal idiocy and the technological superiority of the overlords. Somewhere between August 5, 1945 and September 11, 2001 that paradigm changed and here we stand pensively watching the paraglider come home to shoot.
The turning point might have been the Upshot–Knothole Grable nuclear weapons test on 5/25/53 or the Magic-bullet in Dallas Nov. '63 or the afore mentioned Nixon Shock or the 1983 Beirut barracks bombings or the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 but at some point it became clear that modern military and communications technology, broadly dispersed and unregulated, gave the horde capabilities to murder, rape and pillage that they hadn't enjoyed for half a millennium. Twenty years ago when POTUS 43 was droning evildoers in Afghanistan (and then Iraq) I can remember wondering what it would be like when the survivors of those airstrikes got their hands on a drone of their own. I guess I'm about to find out. And drone warfare requires a motorcycle light infantry countermeasure - like the kind of thing Hamas did in their recent terror raid - which will become extremely menacing as self -driving motorcycle technology improves. A future of fake citizens drinking sugar water, listening to techno and enjoying hedonistic orgies while marauders plan Mad Max inspired attacks on the infidels is one where the nation state offers no tactical advantage to its citizens.
The innovation of iron-horse dragoons recalls the mid-aughts Flobots song "Handlebars" about technology, communications, 5G warfare and nuclear annihilation from their prescient debut album "Fight With Tools." Riding my bike with no handlebars is a wonderful metaphor for daily existence in Clown World America and though Brer Rabbit and Jonny 5 were writing their lyrics about the W dictatorship the quintessence of their "rider" was realized when a CIA stooge named Barry Soetoro was installed in the Oval Office - undoubtedly with the assistance of Flobots votes. There is an incongruity, personified in Poop POTUS Jo(((k)))e Brandon, in the SJW ethos espoused by the Flobots and the reality that their call to action actually delivers which is exemplified on a different, less popular, song on the same record with the title "We Are Winning." A cross between Philip Glass's "Einstein On The Beach" and Rage Against The Machine agitprop this "distant early warning" to "check the labels, delete the virus, alert the masses" because "there is a war going on for your mind" is heartbreaking when you realize what the victory of "the new American insurgents" has delivered unto the world. Hint: it ain't peace, love and understanding.
Jamie Laurie (AKA Jonny 5) was born in 1977 which is four years after Joe Biden first "occupied" his US Senate seat representing the state of Delaware for a 36 year run of stupidity, racism, pomposity and warmongering. At age 30 Jamie lead a nation with a microphone and slipped this pig-headed Irishman into the Vice Presidency under Obama's coat tails. Thanks a lot Flobot! Needless to say the Bots were not happy when Hitlery lost (had Her election stollen) and pre-released two songs from their protest album "No Enemies" as a comfort to the community - "Rattle the Cage" on 11/9/16 and "Pray" on the day the Elvis from Queens was inaugurated POTUS. Four years after the trauma of 2016 "We're Not Winning" the rappers community organized for FLOBOTS ON ELECTION NIGHT TOGETHER WE RISE: LIVE FROM THE TRENCHES WITH FLOBOTS ON ELECTION NIGHT. In this particular "war for your mind" the trenches are the Oriental Theater in Denver's Tennyson Art District at $40-$200 per ticket which is what fighting for Jo(((k)))e Brandon and Lotus Flower will cost you.
If the irony of the preceding paragraph has your skin crawling let me assure you that I am only skimming the epidermis of this beast with my tools of examination. The puzzling mental knots and boomerang flights of fancy are too juicy for the KOTCB blog to dwell on because 1. I'm writing about WW3, not the Flobots, so I can't even remember how I got here and 2. any one of these misguided Flobot adventures could be a unique deep dive rabbit hole of its very own. However, I do need to cite one more magnificent Gabe Allen article from Bandwagon magazine June 2021 titled Flobots: Our Patriotism Is Future-Facing from which I must quote in full:
As footage of the capitol riots circulated online, James Laurie, aka Jonny 5, watched with a unique kind of discomfort. A discomfort that stemmed from familiarity. Some of the rioters looked like they could have been at a Flobots concert circa 2008 — an era where the band’s merch was decorated with stars and stripes and their music was the soundtrack to protests against the Iraq war.
“When we put on flag bandanas and declare ourselves new American insurgents, we are appealing to a very specific American lineage – to a path paved by abolitionists, suffragettes, freedom riders, labor unions, and movements of marginalized peoples building solidarity based in compassion.”
You know, like Hamas, er, or something...
Ah yes, the discomfort of familiarity when your 2008 insurrection rap gets shoved right back into your red, white and blue covered pie hole. Gag on the Hope and Change "new American insurgents" because the diaper wearing dementia patient your lineage put in the White House is on the verge of ending the planet in a holocaust. Even if, somehow, whoever is actually running the USA right now is able to avoid impending nuclear war or civil war or both the price of "peace" will still require inflicting a 5th Generation war on MAGA Patriots on behalf of marginalized people and based on compassion. The Flobots love to describe a problem but the real world effects of implementing their solutions is the perpetuation of a soul killing tyranny they profess to be fighting with tools. A good "insurrectionist" like Jonny 5 lives symbiotically within the system he pretends to reject and as a pacifist cuck demanding more government he is lifted up and rewarded for his efforts. But what about a bad insurrectionist like Mr. White Chocolate Chas T. who uses his tools to... to... to what? I don't even know who's running the country or what subversive policy they enact so who are what am I going to dethrone?
They claim that people like me want to “destroy” the US constitution or "Our Democracy" or political institutions but I think that is a straw man argument. The Declaration of Independence and Constitution are a carefully preserved decorative entrance to a glass and steel monstrosity that was started with the socialist New Deal and massively expanded in the Fascist post WW2 Imperium. The USMCA of today is essentially a techno-fascist system of control - people don’t succeed in America unless they have the blessing of the IC, the MIC or ZOG so, if that’s the way it is, then We the People might as well use the massive government and it’s limitless funny money to Make America Great Again. Hamas is the democratically elected leadership in Gaza and the true threat to "Our Democracy" - the nullification of western polity - manifests in the bad ballots cast by imported and home grown Islammunists, nihilists and spiteful mutants. The political institutions of the USA were designed and created by a free, God fearing and brave society of citizens that no longer populate the nation - The source code has been corrupted and our leaders are controlled puppet people.
Government is like fire - very beneficial but very dangerous - and for the past 100 years a lot of damage has been inflicted on the good people of America for the benefit of a connected group of oligarchs and their cocksucking minions. Yes, I do want to weaponize government and turn it against the commie shitlibs that have been transforming the USA into a 3rd world shithole over the past 50+ years. If this government can force its citizens to wear a mask, shut down their business, teach homosexuality in pre-school, run up $30T+ in debt and fund a $1T per year military for endless foreign wars then it can INSTEAD be directed to clean up our cities, shut down filth on TV/internet, debank drug dealers, require prayer in schools, teach chastity and humility to the youth and deport enemies foreign and domestic. The time has come for the Godly righteous warriors of this land to grab the torch of Liberty from their Progressive overlords and set this Clown World on fire.